2002-01-23 � The Nine

Hello. Can you see me? I'm the one who is just peeking over the top. There. That's me waving. Back there. About to go under. That one. That's me.

I have just spent the past two hours in the middle of a committee meeting. It was a committee meeting of lawyers. Nine of us. Nine distinct opinions. Nine friggin lawyers, each with something to protect. Nine.

It was horrible. Had there been but one or two lawyers or even no lawyers, the meeting would have taken about fifteen minutes.

There has recently been a lot of attention paid to The Lord of the Rings. In the novels, and the movies based on the novels for that matter, there are a cluster of characters referred to as "The Nine." The Nine are the ring wraiths and they are EVIL. In the books, as time goes on, they become so evil that they can fly. They lose their horses and they get mounts with wings so they can fly. Because they're so evil they get these things. I'm sure they will be able to fly in the movies too. We'll all have to wait and see, though. Next Christmas we get the answer to that question. It's already planned.

I think I was at a committee meeting of The Nine. I think we're evil. I think I can fly. I think we all can fly because we're so evil. We schemed and justified and plotted and set plans in motion like lawyers. Like nine evil lawyers. We, The Nine, plotted. And now our evil plan will come to fruition.

I'm comfortable with being evil. I'm not comfortable with being able to fly. It's occupational, surely. But still.

I wonder if this guy was evil. Maybe that's what he was talking about. He was too evil to eat at the pavilion. It may have had nothing to do with the up and down at all.

Ok. Lots of work now. If this has made any sense to you, feel free to let me know that. If you're as baffled by this as I am, then let me know that too.

The links to contact me are up there. You may have already seen them. Or maybe not. But they're up there. I checked.

Posted at 2:32 p.m.

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last five entries

  • making Sense of the State of the Union -- 2
  • Making Sense of the State of the Union -- Pt. 1
  • But I'm Willing to Learn
  • Rough Draft
  • Political Action